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Garbutt Community Centre

The Garbutt Community Centre provides access to information and support services in a friendly, welcoming environment.

Check out the Garbutt Community Centre Events calendar

Our community centre activities include:

Info, Referral & Advocacy

We have up-to-date information on local services and operate based on the philosophy that there is “no wrong door”, so if we don’t provide the help you are seeking we will endeavour to find the service that can.

We also provide supported referrals, assistance with assessing your situation and help with completing paperwork.  A key focus is to link clients to the specialist support they need such as housing, family matters and legal concerns.

Community Access to Computers, Internet & Phone

The centre provides free access to computers, internet and phones for members of the public.

Photocopying, Fax and Laminating Service

The centre provides access to photocopying, fax and laminating services to members of the public.  A reasonable fee is charged for these services.

Venue Use & Hire

The centre provides free access to computers, internet and phones for members of the public.
Rooms and centre facilities are available for individuals, groups and other organisations to use and hire.  After hours use requires a bond.  Businesses and Private use attracts a hire fee.  Public use by groups and other organisations, particularly when there is a service being provided to the community, may not attract fees – this is at the discretion of Community Gro Inc.


To donate items or to make a financial donation, please contact the Garbutt Community Centre on 4779 7268 or complete the online contact form and we will contact you.

    Contact the Garbutt Community Centre Manager

    Colleen Doyle

    Garbutt Community Centre Manager

    Phone: 07 4779 7268

    Address: 4 Hugh Street Garbutt QLD 4814